Thursday, March 5, 2015

40 Things to Do on a Snow Day

It's snowing!! ....And it will be all day....nonstop.....yayyyy.

Okay, okay. I admit it. I love snow days just as much as the next kid. No, it's not because I get to work from home and get to play with my kids in the snow during my lunch break, then come in for hot chocolate, warm fuzzy socks, and work from my laptop while I'm under my cozy comforters watching TV marathons and movies for the rest of the day. . . . okay, yeah it is. :)

One of the best things about living in the mid/north east coast is that you get to enjoy every season (for at least 3 months at a time). But as much as I love being snowed in with my fam, a big part of me surely hopes that this is the LAST snow storm of the season! The back breaking shoveling and scraping ice off your car will end the fun for ya, that's for sure.

Anywho, this snow day has inspired me to think up a long list of things that you can do while you're snowed in (or...when you're bored.). Enjoy!!
  1. Cook up a dish using a recipe that you've been wanting to try but never had the time to do.
  2. Clean your house. Better yet. Deep clean your house.
  3. Read that book that's been sitting by your bed waiting to be picked up. Oh wait--is that just me?
  4. Go outside and build a snowman. (Queue song from "Frozen": "Do You Want to Build a Snowmaaan?" )
  5. Plan a vacation. To someplace warm!!
  6. Organize your closet.
  7. Sell some clothes. Why wait for "spring cleaning?" You're stuck in your house. Go make some money!
  8. Start watching a show from Season 1, Episode 1, and don't stop until you're all caught up.
  9. Paint a picture.
  10. Shop online. Be careful, this can get dangerous.
  11. Make a short film! My uncle used to do this with me and my cousins when we were kids. Soo much fun and soo funny!!
  12. Play a board game.
  13. SLEEP.
  14. Learn a magic trick.
  15. Call at least 5 people that you haven't spoken to in the last 3-6 months.
  16. Do the things that have been sitting on your to-do list. Or your honey-do list. ;)
  17. Paint your nails and try your hand at nail art.
  18. Clean out your car.
  19. Meal prep. For the next whole week!
  20. Work out.
  21. Take a bubble bath. Simply because you have the time!
  22. Go outside and take some creative pictures.
  23. Try to copy Chick-Fil-A's fried chicken batter recipe.
  24. Go to a friend or family member's house and get snowed in with them!
  25. Teach your dog a new trick. If you don't have a dog, teach your kid a new trick something new. If you don't have a kid, teach yourself!
  26. Mix up a new drink.
  27. Do your taxes.
  28. Scrapbooking!
  29. Learn how to play chess.
  30. Become better at poker. (Queue song: "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga)
  31. Play Charades. Ever played the iPhone Charades app? Funniest. Game. Ever.
  32. Paint in the snow with food coloring! I got that idea from another blog. The idea is to put food coloring and water into squirt bottles and have at it! Great idea for the kids.
  33. Pick a room then rearrange it.
  34. Offer to shovel one of your neighbors driveways. Cuter if the kids do it. But if you're an adult and you do it, don't charge anything. C'mon, pay it forward.
  35. Learn how to dribble between your legs. LOL okay this is just something I tried to learn to do today. But thought I'd share in case anyone else thinks it's a great idea. Ha! :p
  36. Sing karaoke!
  37. Learn to play an instrument.
  38. Dance!
  39. Watch all videos of R. Kelly's Trapped In The Closet series. Or any other movie series for that matter.
  40. Play dress up with your kids!
Or better yet--ready every post in my blog! :) For those of you that are snowed in like me, I hope you're enjoying your snow day and staying warm. Don't forget the number one rule of playing in the snow: Don't eat yellow snow!!

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