Sunday, December 6, 2015

(Even More) Tips to Get Motivated to Workout

The struggle. Is. REAL!!!! I cannot for the life of me get myself up to workout these days. I guess along with sweater weather comes sweater WEIGHT!! ;p But it makes sense to lose motivation right? I mean, it's cold out and the crave for coziness is in...there will be no warm weather for a while and therefore no showing of skin. Loose, oversized sweaters and ginormous scarves are everywhere, and the couch has turned into your most favorite place on earth because, Hello?! Fall TV!! Now someone please hand me my fuzzy socks and pumpkin spice latte while I continue to validate my laziness...

(Just kidding. For the record, I never had a PSL.)

But truthfully speaking, this is a difficult time for me to stay motivated. Therefore, I thought I'd write this post to help me and anyone else out there that's finding it hard to hit the gym these days!

I came across this article and pulled out a few of the tips that I like and know work for me, and also created some of my own. Enjoy!

  1. Hold yourself to other commitments in your life. I find that whenever I find myself slacking, it helps to take a break from that one thing I'm trying to achieve and turn my attention to another part of my life that needs it, such as organizing a part of my house, paying off debt, checking something else off my to-do list...doing this reminds me that I'm capable of keeping a promise/commitment and therefore motivates me to continue pursuing other things I've committed to.
  2. DONUT...oops, I mean do not...bring those donuts home. They say out of sight, out of mind, right? Leave those fatty snacks at the grocery store and only bring home what's going to help you in your weight loss journey. Or, if you must, limit how much you buy (for instance buy 5 individually wrapped snacks to last you through the work week.) This way, going out for a Gotta Have It cup of Coldstone ice cream will feel more like a treat. I find that this works best in the winter, because at times when I'm really craving something that I don't have in the house, I end up telling myself it's too cold to go out to get it. :p
  3. Compete. I've participated and took lead on coordinating the Biggest Loser competition at my work for two years now. I'm not one to get ridiculously motivated by competition, but because I spearheaded the whole thing and because I was simply participating, I felt the need to show up!! I knew that I wasn't going to be first (others had more weight to lose and therefore had a greater advantage), but I sure as hell didn't want to be last! So I did what I had to do and in the meantime, reached some of my personal fitness goals.
  4. Dress up. I know this may sound weird...but this is one thing that really works for me! I first noticed it works when I was packing for my trip to Hawaii about a month before my actual trip. Lol! What can I say? I was excited... But I'm glad I did it because it got me to try on everything I wanted to wear and I saw how it looked on me before I had to go out in public in it. When I didn't like how it fit, I was left with two options--ditch the outfit or make my body fit in it better. It also allowed me to recall how certain clothes used to fit. I'm packing for a cruise right now, and I can tell you...there are some items from my Hawaii trip that do not fit like they did just a few months ago!! And unfortunately, since it's winter, I can't just go out and buy new shorts/tanks/t-shirts, because the stores aren't selling them! Which brings me to my only option: Get your ass in shape, Jessica.
  5. If you did it once, you can do it again. I learned to tell myself this early in my childhood. My father is an artist and I used to try to draw as well as he did--for some reason I was convinced that he passed down that trait and I had to learn it in some way. Well let's just say there were many mistakes and "abstract" pieces, and there were some masterpieces that came about while I "practiced." I hated that I would finally get it right after a million tries, but it was on my practice paper and not my actual "canvas." I started telling myself, if I did it once, I can do it again. And nowadays, I apply that mindset to other aspects of my life, including fitness. I once was at my ideal size/shape/health...and I can get there again.
  6. Set fitness goals, not just number goals. "Losing weight" is associated with fitness, but it doesn't encompass all that "fitness" is. Instead of only focusing on what the scale is saying after two weeks, two months, 1 year, etc...set goals for your entire fitness journey, such as: Running a longer distance, eating a fruit everyday, packing a healthy lunch everyday for a month, increasing your water intake each day, increasing your speed, running (without stopping) for a certain amount of time. These little accomplishments all tie in to your overall goal, and celebrating each of them will ultimately keep you motivated and keep you moving in the long run.
As always, good luck on your own individual journeys! Please wish me luck on mine. I'm thinking this all-inclusive-cruise idea is not going to agree with my fitness regimen. Should I really be complaining though? Lol! Until next time,