Monday, January 12, 2015

ARTICLE REVIEW: 5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Destroying Your Wife and Killing Your Marriage

Hey there! Here's the thing. I don't plan on posting much about relationships or going into detail about my own, but I do like to share things that are helpful to me in case they'll be helpful to others as well.

Before you start getting all up in arms about me being biased and taking the sides of women everywhere, I'd like you to know that I DO THINK that many points in this article apply to both men and women. No matter what anyone says--with marriage, friendships, and any kind of relationships, it takes two.

This article is not the best that I've read about love and relationships, but here is why I thought it was good.
  1. It shows the importance of balance in a relationship. Primarily on the man's side, but it shows it nonetheless. The article touches on the "fine line" that men have between being strong and being sensitive, which I think is fair. It mentions that since birth, men have been taught to be strong--don't cry, suck it up, protect and provide. Then when they get into a relationship, all of a sudden they have to be sensitive and caring. But they can't be too much of either because then they'll be less of the other. Balance.
  2. It doesn't just describe what women need to be happy, but promotes understanding. A friend once told me that it is human nature to be selfish. I can see that. The point here is that the way you liked to be loved may not be the way your partner wants to be loved. I think when you're in a relationship, it's important to know the other person, know what their needs and expectations are, and know yourself enough to know if you can and are willing to fulfill them.
After reading this article, you'll see that that's the bottom line. To sum it all up, the five points in the article reflect the big idea: Make sure your partner knows that you love them and don't let them forget it. Learn to speak their love language and not just yours.

5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Destroying Your Wife and Killing Your Marraige
And so you know, there's one for women too: 5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Destroying Your Husband and Killing Your Marriage


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