Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Peek Into the Past

Hello blog world :) It has been a week of FIRSTS!
  • First Snow Day of the year
  • Vinny's first day of preschool/daycare (after a 1 year hiatus)
  • My first time helping a 4-year-old with homework *wipes sweat off my brow*
  • My first time running two kids to two different daycares before going to work, then running around to pick them up before closing time to avoid late fees. I am pooped.
Monday was Vinny's first day of preschool! He's been to daycare before, but took a year off when the baby was born (to save costs). Maybe it's because of that that I am feeling reeaally nostalgic today!! I am not sure why, but I am having the baby blues and really missing when my kids were little! They grow up so fast. Soo I started looking through my old pictures...thousands and thousands of pictures...and came across a few I thought I'd share. I figured with all my long long blog entries, we could all use a few visuals on here. :) Reminisce with me! Enjoy pics of the loves of my life...


I can't believe Vinny will be starting KINDERGARTEN next year!! I'm not sure how to prepare for that!

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