Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dad's 50th Birthday

The day has come when my oh-so-young father has turned 50. FIFTY. Over. The. Hill. It's hard for me to believe that my parents are getting older. Probably because the older they get, the younger they act! Lol...I'm not lying when I tell you they partied hard until 3 in the morning. I mean...clubs (here in the DMV) don't even stay open that late...

I helped with the food table of course, and decided to keep it simple. My dad on the other hand, transformed his unfinished basement into a sah-weeeeet karaoke bar! Enjoy the pics:

I am big quote person so I love when I can incorporate a good quote or two as part of the decorations! I used two here. One was on the picture timeline hanging above the food table: "I may be over the hill but the climb was terrific." And the other I thought captured my dad perfectly! "50 is fine when you look 39" Both I found on good ol' Pinterest. :)

Cake credit: Follow Jen @allcakedupdc on Instagram! She is amazing and the chocolate-mocha cake tasted so so good! It was the FIRST time the cake was completely finished by the time the party was over. We normally always have leftovers! Anyway, I couldn't have been happier with the finished product. I've ordered from bakeries who didn't even make their cakes this clean, and they charged me double than what she did! Hit her up if you're looking for a cake in the DMV area. You can thank me later! ;)

The basement was covered with colorful plastic table cloths. Amazing how much that can transform a room! The red and blue walls kinda reminded me of the big top ;)

It wouldn't be one of my dad's parties if he didn't have his friends do something crazy--like participate in a balut eating contest! For those that do not know what the filipino delicacy, "Balut", is, please feel free to see the exact definition here. Warning: Don't freak out! ;)

Judging from the Facebook pictures (that I refuse to share for good reason)...I think everybody had a good time! ;)

Happy 50th Birthday, Dad!

(I clearly get my coolness from him.)

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