Thursday, January 1, 2015

Introducing...My Kids!! New Year's Day Fun & Playdates

Since this is a mommy blog, and today I did all kinds of mommy things, I thought it would be a good time to introduce the costars of my blog--my kids!! Here are pics of my kids to the left--Vincent (Vinny) and Jacob (Jakey).
I rung in 2015 at my most FAVORITE place! My bed. :) It was a makeup-free, sweatpants chillin, no-champagne-headache kinda day and I loved it! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going out, getting all dressed up, and sipping on vodka sodas like most 20 somethings, but ringing in the new year with my boys is just as good (if not better)! I mean, afterall, one day they're going to want to spend new years with their friends aaaand...lets just say I'm not quite ready to even think about that day! We were toasting up some sparkling cider and apple juice cran-apple juice (to make it extra special) anyway. ;)
Today--New Years Day--we went to visit some of my hometown friends and their kids. It was babies on babies on babies--five kids total and only one of them was over 1 year old!
Most of the kids there were infants and small toddlers, and all were girls except for my boys, but they all played really well together. I love playdates but have only done them with people I know. So the drive home got me thinking--how do you coordinate playdates with people you don't know? Friends at school for example. How do you associate yourself with the parents of your children's friends, and when is it appropriate to schedule playdates with them? Vinny is starting school soon so any advice would be great!
Anywho, I am ready for 2015 and I hope it brings many blessings your way! I'm looking forward to a great year!

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